Dr. Robert Haworth, Superintendent of Elkhart Community Schools,
Spoke to the Club about the Coming School Merger Plans
The Sergeant at Arms was Scott Franko, who collected a dollar from everyone in the club that did not know St. Patrick’s Day official color was Blue.  Most of Europe started their New Year March until the 1800’s. It is women’s History month as well as Fire Prevention Month. The money the Sergeant’s committee raises over the year is pooled into a fund and then disbursed annually to area non-profit organizations.
The speaker was Elkhart Community Schools Superintendent,  Dr. Robert Haworth. Dr. Haworth shared the schools reorganization plans for the next four years.
Expand PreK Opportunities
6,7,8 Middle Schools
Freshman Division (9th) at the now referred to as the Central High School Campus will act as its own division.
10th, 11th and 12th Grades at the now referred to as the Memorial High School and Career Center Campus it will be called the Career Collage Campus.
Approximately 50% of our students go on to post-secondary-only 26% of those students compete their college.
Workers with postsecondary degrees hold 59% of the jobs, by 2020 that number is expected to be 65%.
1:1 Technology, learning without boundries.  In the classroom, personalized learning.  Evaluate proficiency and competency.
Embedded Literacy-not just a reading program.
Project Based Learning: Relevance, Team Work, Communication, Respect and Responsibility, Attendance

For more information visit: Elkhart.K12.in.us               
Up Coming Program(s):  
Elkhart Rotary 100 Year Celebration
March 13, 2017
Mar 20, 2017
Big Brothers/Big Sisters