Northern Indiana Workforce Board
Mar 10, 2025 12:00 PM
Tom Kavanagh, Board President & CEO
Northern Indiana Workforce Board

Tom Kavanagh, Northern Indiana Workforce Board President & CEO
Tom Kavanagh has more than 25 years of experience in the workforce industry, previously served as COO for Job Works, Inc., a Fort Wayne, Indiana based organization that specializes in the operation of workforce services programs, training programs, and consulting services focused on workforce system design strategic planning, and fiscal services.

Described as a performance, process, and results driven individual who maintains a commitment to quality, continuous improvement, and integrity, Kavanagh has extensive experience in leadership and collaboration with workforce development systems while focusing on board governance and the development of strategies to meet business and employer needs. He has worked with numerous Workforce Development Boards through strategic planning, local and regional WIOA plan development, system design and redesign efforts.

Kavanagh has facilitated and presented at several local, state, and national conferences. He also previously directed a team as it worked to perform operations involving nine different government funded programs including the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker, Ex-Offender Re-entry, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

Kavanagh holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting from Hillsdale College and is a long-time member of the U.S. Conference of Mayors Workforce Development Council. He resides in Elkhart, Indiana with his wife, Melissa, and their three children Ethan, Andrew, and Elizabeth.

In his spare time, when he isn’t with family and friends, Kavanagh volunteers with the Concord Dollars for Scholars Board. For the last six years he has served as the President of the Concord Development Basketball League.